Sunday, February 3, 2008

Firebred Interview

Christian Hard Rock Band Firebred Interview
By C.W. Ross
1-Stylistically how do you describe your music?
This a question we get asked a lot. And it is hard to really nail it down without it being heard. It's like taking the older style of Metallica, mixing them with bands some bands of today like Saliva, and all of them getting saved and worshiping God with there entire being.
2-What bands have influenced your music?
We grew up listening to the metal of the 80s like Metallica, Megadeth, Deliverance, Stryper, Barren Cross and so on, so you can hear a lot of that style in some of our songs.
3-Will you tell us about the ministry part of your band?
This is an easy one for me (Garrett) to answer. Think for a min of a field ripe for the harvest. There's a huge combine rolling across the field gathering much of the harvest. The field being the lost souls, and the combine being the church. And while the combine gathers most of the harvest, because of it's size and maneuverability it leaves the four corners of the field un touched. This is where the ministry of FIREBRED comes in. We are reaching the people the church can't get to. In bars, clubs, the guys who would never come to a church.
4-Where do you see the band 5 years down the road?
Wherever God chooses. Doing the same thing we are doing now but on a much larger level. We have a few things we will be adding to the Firebred list this coming year including a video, and theatrical stage show. Which will truly enhance the ministry. And we are now in talks with a new label, management team, and a&r. So who knows.
5-What effect has the Internet had on your music?
It has had a major effect. We have been doing this ministry for 8 years. And only been online for the past 3. Our ministry opportunities have more than quadrupled since. As for cd and music is concerned we sold about 530 of our first cd. After going online we have had over 25000 single song downloads, and around 18000 cd downloads. Not to mention the unknown amount of ringtones that can be downloaded for free on our website.
6-You have some big shows upcoming can you tell us about them?
Oh yeah. April 26th we will be playing the the second anual IMPACT event in Westminister SC with Ayiesha Woods, and others. Tony Nolan will be the guest speaker at this all ages free event. June 14th on the Boardwalk in Caroline beach NC we will have the awesome oppertunity of sharing the stage with one of the bands I grew up listening to. Barren Cross. This Event Battle On The Atlantic will feature 10 bands including Disciple, 7 Method, Crucial, Broken and several others. You don't want to miss this one. We will be shooting live video at both of these for our new dvd, so be there.
7-What CD's do you have for sale? Where can people buy them?
We'll like I said we are working on a new cd. It should be ready mid April. But in the mean time you can order a copy of our first cd CHAPTER 3, or Set The World On Fire by shooting us a line through either our website
8- Anything we missed that you would like to share with the readers?
We would like to give a shout out to all the bands out there that are keeping it real. Bands that don't back down on preaching the Gospel just to get the radio plays and cd sells. Keep rocking for the ROCK.

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